Saturday, May 24, 2008

The past 10 years in six pictures

Comic book style, just for fun - Comme une BD

Les 10 dernieres annees en 6 photos

(click on the page to see it bigger - Cliquez sur la page pour agrandir)

Bonne Fete Maman!

It is Mother's day in France tomorrow, but I don't think I will be able to call my mom from the fire station and since it not only will be my very first day with my crew but I will be working a whole 24 hours, I thought I could leave a message on my blog for my dear little mom.
So here is a Happy Mother's day to you mom!

Comme demain est mon premier jour a la caserne de pompier, je ne vais pas pouvoir appeler pendant 24 heures, je me suis dit que ce serait mieux si je laisse un message de fete des meres sur mon site.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Alright, I am finally done with all the academy and it feels great. Graduation night was Friday, they gave us our badge and our assignment, which means I know my schedule for one whole year. I work on thanksgiving, and also on Christmas but that's OK I guess.
I met with my crew and let me tell you, I was pretty impressed with those guys, they are HUGE, TALL, and super BUFF. I looked so little next to them.
My first day will be on sunday the 25th (in a week and it will be Mother's day in France).

Ca y est, j'ai fini l'academie et je suis bien contente. La ceremonie de remise de badge etait vendredi soir et j'ai rencontre l'equipe de gars avec qui je vais etre pendant toute une annee ou plus. J'ai carement ete impressionee car les mecs sont de vraies baraques, des armoires a glace les gars. Je suis toute petite a cote d'eux.
Je vais travailler le jours de thanksgiving et aussi le jour de Noel mais c'est pas grave. Et mon premier jour va etre Dimanche prochain le 25 mai (le jour de la fete des meres).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bon anniversaire Nelly

Tomorrow is the birthday of my very best friend Nelly (in France), so I would like to make sure I wish her a Happy Birthday. I miss her a lot. I wish I was there with her to celebrate but tomorrow is also the day I graduate from the fire academy, but I will be thinking of her.

Nelly! C'est ton anniversaire demain alors je voudrais te souhaiter un SUPER BON ANNIVERSAIRE. J'aurai bien aime etre la pour celebrer avec toi mais demain c'est aussi le jour ou je fini l'academie de pompier et j'ai ma ceremonie avec remise de badge. En revanche je penserai bien a toi pour ton anniv. Amuse toi bien et regale toi bien avec un bon gateau au chocolat et plein de cadeaux.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Lyn!

My dear Lyn, I wish you a Happy Birthday (on the 2nd right?). I hope you celebrated like you should and I hope to see you soon.
I have 2 more weeks of academy. I know I didn't stop by your house like I said I would that week-end (sorry about that). But I feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel (end of the tunnel in 2 weeks when I graduate) and I will feel more free and will actually have some time and less stress.
I miss you a lot.

Check out the both of us doing that evil "Dying Bug"