Friday, October 26, 2007

After math / L'apres coup

Oh, I have been back home for 6 days now but I am just good for nothing, I feel so sluggish and tired all the time. I can't wake up in the morning and I lie on the couch most of the day. And also my brain works a little slowly. Yesterday I was doing nothing on the couch lying there with a magazine and the bell rang; I went to answer; it was just someone trying to sell calendars or something but to my big surprise and to his too, I answered "No thank you" in Japanese. I didn't even know I could do that! Then I said I was sorry, (in French!). And then he left because he probably had pity for my lost soul... I don't even know what language to use anymore, I'm gonna have to take classes.

Oh, je suis arrivee ici a la maison il y a 6 jours mais je suis une vraie bonne a rien. Je me sens toute molassone, je suis tout le temps fatiguee. Je n'arrive pas a me reveiller le matin et toute la journee je suis vautree sur le canape. Et mon cerveau marche au ralenti. Hier, je faisais rien vautree sur le canape avec un magazine et soudain quelqu'un sonne a la porte. Je vais repondre et c'est juste un mec qui veut vendre des calendriers ou un truc comme ca. Mais soudain a ma grande surprise et a la sienne aussi, je lui dit "non merci" en Japonais. Je ne savais pas que je pouvais faire ca! Et puis j'ai dit "oh desolee" (en Francais!). Et la il est parti car il avait surement pitie de mon ame perdue... Je ne sais meme plus quelle langue parler, il va falloir que je prenne des cours.


Anonymous said...

Poor girl!You will be good as new soon. That's a good way of getting rid of unwanted solicitors! Have a nice day! xo m

Anonymous said...

Et bien que de péripéties.... reposes toi bien et reconnectes lentement..!!!
Tous cela a dû être super enrichissant!!

Unknown said...

Hey there,

It took me almost two weeks to recover from Korea. It is really tough coming back. 1hour/day for each hour of 13 days...more or less. Time is all you need! The solicitor got what he deserved!


Anonymous said...

Hi Hi Hi ! Answer in Japonese and then apologise in French when you are talking to an English speaking person. Funny Cecile !

Anyway, what an amazing trip you did !!! I was glad to read it on your blog.

Lots of love.


A Frog In Az said...

Thank you guys, it is good to be back home. I am getting there with the jet lag (which was 16 hours).
Big kisses to all.
Merci les amis, ca fait du bien d'etre rentree a la maison, et je me remet petit a petit de mon decallage horaire de 16 heures.
Bisous a tous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Seshiru!

You look so tired in the photo. I feel for your tired.

Wow, you said 'no thank you' in Japanese! Amazing!
And i totally understand that experience the language problem, like you, I can not speak japanese as well when I got back to Japan from Hong Kong. I lost my language. Ha ha ha.

You have a good rest!