Friday, June 1, 2007

"The Little House In Brittany"

Some of you know about our cool little house in Brittany, and I would like to welcome the last addition to the house : "The Arizona Room" on the left side of the house, with it's new super cool corner couch. A lot of good naps are to come... I will post a picture of before and after (when I get one of before) because the difference is pretty amazing. My parents have been working on renewing this house for the past 20 years now and I need to tell them again what a great job they did. We love it over there.

Certains d'entre vous ont deja ete dans notre chouette petite maison en Bretagne, et je voudrais vous presenter la derniere venue "La Veranda" renomee "Arizona Room" et son nouveau canape de coin. Beaucoup de siestes sont a venir... J'afficherai des photos "avant/ apres" car la difference est incroyable. Mes parents ont passe les 20 annees passees a retaper cette maison et je tiens a leur dire a nouveau qu'ils ont fait du vrai bon boulot. On adore passer du temps la bas.

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