Il y a quelques mois, un des journaux locaux m'a demande de faire une interview avec photos sur le sujet "garder un ventre plat, et avoir des abdos de plombs pendant les fetes de fin d'annee". Alors voici l'interview et les photos mais je ne vais pas la traduire, desolee.A few months ago, a local newspaper asked me to do a little thing about exercising your abs and keeping a flat stomach during the holidays. So this was the article the journalist wrote and the pictures they published with it.
[Cecile B., a fitness coach at Body Basics Health and Fitness, said it's harder for women to lose extra fat around the belly because women have a higher body fat percentage
than men do overall. "So even a little body fat is going to hide (a firm) stomach right away." The biggest misconception, she said, is the idea that you can slim down in a week or just before summer. It's more of a lifestyle change, she adds. "You have to really lower your body fat and eat really, really lean," Cecile said. When she wants to slim her midsection, she maintains a lower-fat, lower-sugar diet. I don't drink alcohol so that's not a problem. I don't do a low-carb diet, but I do replace my intake of more processed foods such as bread with more whole foods such as brown
rice, and I eat a lot of salads and soups. No added dressing, just vinaigrette. I also have yogurt daily because I need the calcium." It's something that you can maintain even during the holidays or out at restaurants, Cecile said. If she eats out, she orders grilled salmon without butter or olive oil. When at a party, she enjoys what's offered, but at reduced portions. "Share a dessert with your husband or take a spoonful instead of a slice."]
1 comment:
Hey Froggy !
A mon tour de découvrir ta vie en Arizona. Congratulations pour l'article dans le journal ! A quand la couv' du New York Times parce que tu auras réussi à sauver des flammes, et ce au terme d'acrobaties d'une technique irréprochable, toute une tripotée d'invidus inconscients ? En tout cas merci pour tous tes petits commentaires. Ca fait bien plaisir ! See you on the net...
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