Monday, June 25, 2007

Japan Here I come!

We've been told about the team that is going to Japan in October 07. And "I'm going!" Yeahhhh! Now all I have to do is learn some Japanese like crazy. We are going to visit the region of Fukushima, a couple hours north of Tokyo. We will stay in different families to discover their culture. During the day we will present our team and our culture to the different rotary clubs over there. We will also be paired with someone from the same profession as us and go to work with them a few days. We have been told that we will come back exhausted. We created a blog that we will update probably everyday while over there, I attached the link at the end of this post. Our traveling dates will be from September 14th to October 18th.

On nous a annonce l'equipe qui va partir au Japon en Octobre 2007. Et j'en fais partie! Youpi! Maintenant il faut que j'apprenne le Japonais a fond. Nous allons visiter la region de Fukushima, a 2 heures au nord the Tokyo. Nous serons acceuillis par differentes familles (quelques jours dans chaque famille) afin de decouvrir leur culture. La journee nous presenterons notre equipe et notre culture aux differents club rotary de la region. Nous allons aussi etre mis en contact pour decouvrir notre profession au Japon. Nous allons revenir completement creuves. On a creer un blog, que nous mettrons a jour pendant le voyage. Nos dates de voyage sont du 14 septembre au 18 octobre.

Visit our team blog / Visitez le blog de notre equipe

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad !

Today is my mom and dad's birthday! That's right they were both born on the same day June 16th. So we wanted to wish them a Happy Birthday. And on my way I'd like to say "Happy Father's day" for tomorrow.

Aujourd'hui c'est l'anniversaire de maman et papa! Oui ils sont nes tous les deux le meme jour, le 16 juin. Alors on voulait leur souhaiter un Joyeux Anniversaire. Et au passage n'oublions pas la fete des peres dimanche.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My brother is an actor !

So my brother Lionel is not only a researcher on Mango and Sugar cane but he is an actor on his free time. He just sent me this poster that he realised himself for their play. I really like it with that deep red (don't forget Lionel is color blind! Who knows if it was meant to be red...). Also their team of actors finished 2nd in their competion. Great Job!
If you want to know were my brother lives, check out Reunion Island online with the two links I attached here.
Hawaii's big island has a sister: Reunion island
Mon frere Lionel n'est pas seulement un chercheur sur la Mangue et la cane a sucre mais aussi un acteur aparement. Il vient de m'envoyer l'image de l'affiche qu'il a cree lui meme pour leur piece de theatre. J'aime beaucoup l'affiche et surtout la couleur (Je tiens a rappeler que Lionel est daltonien! Qui sait, l'affiche etait peut etre censee etre verte...). Sa troupe a terminee 2eme dans leur competition. Super ! (si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l'ile de la Reunion, visitez.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I got an email today from my brother congratulating me on this blog (thank you Lionel!), however he pointed that there were no pictures of Chris (my husband) and that there was a picture of my dog even before there was one of him. The fact is that Chris wasn't so happy to see my blog with pictures of him so he told me not to add any. As a good wife I listened to him. But oh well, this will be in between you and me. Let's not tell him. I just don't want to seem too narcissist as Lionel said in his email. So here is a picture of Chris.

J'ai recu un email de mon frere aujourd'hui me felicitant pour ce blog (Merci Lionel!), cependant il a fait la remarque qu'il n'y avait pas de photos de Chris (mon mari) et qu'il y avait une photo de ma chienne avant qu'il y en ait de lui. En fait Chris m'a dit qu'il ne voulait pas tellement avoir de photos de lui sur ce blog. (Il veut garder son identite secrete peut-etre...). Bref je vais quand meme en mettre une juste histoire de ne pas paraitre trop narcissiste puisque c'est le mot que Lionel a employe dans son email.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Week Vacation / Notre semaine de vacances

We just got back from a week vacation in a resort in Scottsdale. That was really really nice and we literally did nothing! Well, swimming in the pool and enjoying the restaurants around was all we wanted to do anyway.

Nous venons juste de rentrer d'une semaine de vacances dans un hotel a Scottsdale (pres de Phoenix). C'etait vraiment chouette et nous n'avons literallement rien fait! Nager dans la piscine et aller dans les restos des allentours etait tout ce que nous voulions faire de toute facon.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I was in the paper!

Il y a quelques mois, un des journaux locaux m'a demande de faire une interview avec photos sur le sujet "garder un ventre plat, et avoir des abdos de plombs pendant les fetes de fin d'annee". Alors voici l'interview et les photos mais je ne vais pas la traduire, desolee.

A few months ago, a local newspaper asked me to do a little thing about exercising your abs and keeping a flat stomach during the holidays. So this was the article the journalist wrote and the pictures they published with it.
[Cecile B., a fitness coach at Body Basics Health and Fitness, said it's harder for women to lose extra fat around the belly because women have a higher body fat percentage than men do overall. "So even a little body fat is going to hide (a firm) stomach right away." The biggest misconception, she said, is the idea that you can slim down in a week or just before summer. It's more of a lifestyle change, she adds. "You have to really lower your body fat and eat really, really lean," Cecile said. When she wants to slim her midsection, she maintains a lower-fat, lower-sugar diet. I don't drink alcohol so that's not a problem. I don't do a low-carb diet, but I do replace my intake of more processed foods such as bread with more whole foods such as brown rice, and I eat a lot of salads and soups. No added dressing, just vinaigrette. I also have yogurt daily because I need the calcium." It's something that you can maintain even during the holidays or out at restaurants, Cecile said. If she eats out, she orders grilled salmon without butter or olive oil. When at a party, she enjoys what's offered, but at reduced portions. "Share a dessert with your husband or take a spoonful instead of a slice."]

Friday, June 1, 2007

"The Little House In Brittany"

Some of you know about our cool little house in Brittany, and I would like to welcome the last addition to the house : "The Arizona Room" on the left side of the house, with it's new super cool corner couch. A lot of good naps are to come... I will post a picture of before and after (when I get one of before) because the difference is pretty amazing. My parents have been working on renewing this house for the past 20 years now and I need to tell them again what a great job they did. We love it over there.

Certains d'entre vous ont deja ete dans notre chouette petite maison en Bretagne, et je voudrais vous presenter la derniere venue "La Veranda" renomee "Arizona Room" et son nouveau canape de coin. Beaucoup de siestes sont a venir... J'afficherai des photos "avant/ apres" car la difference est incroyable. Mes parents ont passe les 20 annees passees a retaper cette maison et je tiens a leur dire a nouveau qu'ils ont fait du vrai bon boulot. On adore passer du temps la bas.