Thursday, September 20, 2007

Did you say "HOT" Spring ??

So I would like to tell you my first Hot spring experience. My host family is taking me to a very nice private hot spring. My host sister Madoka announces me that the "Onsen" we are going to is a little stinky like volcano because it is natural from the mountain and it will be milky looking, but it is good for our health and skin. I can’t wait. Oh and she also warns me that we have to be naked and asks me if that is ok with me. Well..., I think so...; I mean I am always naked walking around at home, why not in front of tons of other women in a hot bathtub in a foreign country? They won't remember me, they won't put me in the paper right?
Masahiko (my host dad) goes to the men’s side, good..., I didn't dare asking if we would be separate because that would have made me uncomfortable.
After taking our shoes off at the entrance of the spa hotel we are now getting undressed on tatamis and putting our clothes into a basket. So here I am, all naked, like Madoka warned me. I am ok with this but I still will put my towel in front of me to hide my breasts because I feel different than when I am dancing naked in my living room on sunday morning.
We have to rinse our body first, and we are now sitting on a tiny little wooden bench showering and rinsing. Then off we go into the steaming hot water outside. It is beautiful! I am the only westerner here and the women are looking at me but I don’t feel they are wondering or judging, I only feel they are looking at me and thinking, "oh a tourist, let’s watch her getting her “derriere” burned!" So I step in with just one foot and ... ahhhhh.... it is soooooo Hooooooot, I already have to step out. I explain to Madoka and her mom that I really enjoy this but I will take my time getting into the bath because it is a little hot for me.
Everyone is deep in the hot spring up to their neck but I still have water up to my ankles only. Darn! I look like a fool standing here with my towel in front of me, everybody is watching the blond girl with the short hair who looks that she is not from here, hiding her breast like it's something different than theirs (they probably really want to see under my towel now that I made it so secret). Ok let’s go! 1, 2, 3… Nope, too hot! But I now have water up to my knees. Oh! That is too hot, I am getting out again, and oh great, now they can see my bottom of course because I turned around to go up the little stairs. Oh this is ridiculous, I have to get in. Madoka’s mom tells me that the water is cooler on the other side, away from the fountain source. "Ok, that sound’s good mommy, let’s go there Madoka!"... Ahhhhh, What do you mean it is cooler? Yeah like one degree, that’s all!. But here I have to go because I looked enough like a fool dancing around from one foot to an other with water only to my knees.
1…,2…, 3…. This time I’m in, Awwwwwwww, this feels great, ...and too hot, burning,... and great again and... awwwwww,... what a relaxing way of spending the afternoon. Cool (I mean... hot!), I like it! But I already have to take a little break from this lobster cooking water, so I sit on the rocks on the edge and keep my feet inside, and I feel ok doing that because other women are doing it too. Madoka reassures me by saying that this water is very very good for our health and our skin and it helps us to live longer. OK! I get back in I want to live longer. This magic steaming burning hot water better make me live at least up to a healthy 100 years old, i am telling you.

Je voudrais vous raconter ma premiere experience dans un bain Japonais de source chaude. Ma famille d'accueil, m'emene dans hotel ou il y a un de ces bain de source chaude. Ma "soeur" d'accueil, Madoka, m'annonce que le "Onsen" (le bain) ou l'on va est volcanique et va sentir un peu le souffre car c'est une source d'eau naturelle, mais que c'est tres bon pour le corps, la peau et la sante. J'ai hate d'y etre. Oh, et elle me dit aussi qu'il faut etre tout nu dans ces bain et me demande si ca ne me derange pas. Ben... heu... nan... je crois.... Enfin je veux dire, je suis tout le temps toute nue a la maison, alors je ne vois pas pourquoi je ne pourrais pas devant un tas de femmes Japonaises dans un bain d'un pays etranger? Elles ne se souviendrons meme pas de moi, je ne serais pas dans le journal hein?
Masahiko (mon pere d'accueil) va du cote des hommes, pfiouuu... Je n'osais pas demander, mais ca m'aurait vraiment gene.
Apres avoir enleve nos chaussures a l'entree de l'hotel, nous enlevons nos vetement dans une piece tatami et posons nos habits dans un panier. Alors me voila toute nue, Madoka m'avais prevenue. Ca va je suis a l'aise mais je met ma toute petite serviette devant tout contre moi pour cacher ma poitrine, en fin de compte c'est quand meme pas pareil que quand je danse toute nue dans mon salon le dimanche matin.

Il faut se rinser et laver le corps et les cheveux, et nous sommes assises sur un tout petit tabouret en bois. Et hop... on va dehors... en route pour le bain bien chaud. Ouah, c'est beau! Je suis la seule occidentale et elles sont toutes en train de me regarder mais je ne sens pas qu'elles me jugent mais elles sont plutot en train de penser "oh, chouette on va regarder la touriste se faire bruler les fesses dans le bain!" Alors je met un pied dans le bain et... ahhhhhh!.... c'est carement chaud!.... Je sors mon pied, car c'est bien trop chaud pour moi. J'explique a Madoka que j'aime beaucoup le bain mais je vais prendre mon temps a entrer dans l'eau car c'est un peu chaud pour moi.

Toutes les femmes sont assises dans le bain avec de l'eau jusqu'au cou et je suis toujours debout sur les marches avec de l'eau jusqu'aux chevilles. Merde! j'ai l'air nunuche debout la, avec ma toute petite serviette devant moi. Tout le monde regarde la fille blonde au cheveux courts qui a l'air de ne pas etre du coin, cachant sa poitrine comme si c'etait different des autres (elles surement hate de voir ce qu'il y a en dessous de ma serivette maintenant que j'ai cache mon corps comme si c'etait un secret). Bon allez j'y vais, 1... 2... 3... Non,... trop chaud! mais maintenant j'ai de l'eau jusqu'aux genoux. Ah! C'est vraiment trop chaud! Je ressort de l'eau une fois de plus, et maintenant elles peuvent voir mes fesses puisque je me suis tournee pour monter les escaliers. Ah, quel bordel! Il faut que je me lance.
La maman de Madoka nous dis que l'eau est moins chaude de l'autre cote de la source. OK! super! Allez viens Madoka, on va de l'autre cote!... Ahhhhh!!! Comment ca moins chaud de l'autre cote? Tu rigoles? c'est pareil! Bon mais il faut que je me lance car je me suis rendue assez ridicule devant tout le monde a danser d'un pied sur l'autre.

1... 2... 3... Cette fois j'y vais... Haaaaaa.... super... nooon, trop chaud... ahhh super... c'est relaxant... J'aime beaucoup. Mais apres une minute dans cette eau aussi chaude qu'une cocote pour cuire les homards, l faut que je sorte deja pour prendre une pause. Je m'assois sur les enormes galets sur le bord, et d'autres femmes sont assises aussi, toutes nues la. Madoka me rassure en me disant que cette eau est speciale et aide a vivre plus longtemps. Puree, cette potion magique brulante a interet a me faire vivre jusqu'a mes 100 ans, je vous le dis tout de suite.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cecile,
Your stories all are so funny and sooo cute i think, if you do not mind writing another (funniest for me) stories, let us know your experience and what you felt.

That story also concerns 'feeling hot', you know well.

Hello everyone Cecile's friends, :-)

I was a host sisiter of her, am a Japanese. My English is not good, if I make mistakes in English on her blog, please foregive me.

A Frog In Az said...

Madoka, you are too cute. Your english is very very good. See you tomorrow at the swimming pool in Fukushima!

Anonymous said...

Hi,Cecil! We're at Starbucks and Jay brought out his laptop so we could read your blog. We LOVE your stories! Can't wait until you return and we hear more of your stories. It's so great being introduced to a totally new culture. And you embrace it with such a joy and zest for life...I envy you. We're thinking of you and miss you! Arnavaz

Bill Wilcox said...

Hello Cecile! Sounds like you're having a great experience in Japan. We enjoyed the first two stories and we're looking forward to more. Can't believe you were so shy at the hot springs. You're French must be wearing off!
Mayor of Starbucks

A Frog In Az said...

Ohhh, you guys at starbucks are so nice. I miss you so much. However, Yes I am having the time of my life here. I haven't seen a starbucks yet...
I miss you all. See you when I get back

Anonymous said...

i hope your butt is not burned too much. i hear that chocolate sauce is good for skin burns on your butt.
i am glad all is well and you are enjoying yourself. all of us at coffee think about you and miss you.

take care